dimanche 10 mars 2019

Bloc C4, Caswell quilt

Another one easy to sew.  I'm not sure about the light blue color of the left flower. I'll see if I fix it later.

Un autre bloc simple et rapide à coudre à la main.  Mais le bleu clair de la fleur à gauche me dérange un peu.  Je réfléchirai à ce que je peux faire:  broderie à la main, avec fil à la machine, crayon...

À la prochaine!

4 commentaires:

  1. Very pretty! The blue block does seem to be saying "look at me"! Maybe it's because of the light fabric behind the blue petals?
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. I think a little embroidery on top of the light blue might tone it down a little. It is competing with the other flowers but your applique is really pretty.

  3. This is a pretty block. I rather like that little blue flower even though one's attention is drawn to it.

  4. Lovely work! The light blue is jumping out now, looking at the one block, but if you use splashes of that color here and there throughout the whole quilt it will balance out and add a little sparkle. It's so hard to say with just one block before you.


Au plaisir de vous lire!