dimanche 11 février 2018

Secret Garden, part 5...5ème partie de Secret Garden...

The central block is framed by a lattice with ovals. I am in preparation mode for all these pieces. The 160 ovals are marked, ready to be cut and shaped. The strips are cut for the lattice. I prepare my triangles for the bottom of the block. I have 40 blocks to build before applying the ovals.

Le bloc central est encadré d'un treillis avec feuilles appliquées.  Je suis en mode préparation de tous ces morceaux.  Les 160 ovales sont marqués, prêts à être découpés et formés.  Les bandes sont coupées pour le treillis.  Je prépare mes triangles pour le fond du bloc.  J'ai 40 blocs à construire avant d'appliquer les ovales.

It will be a busy week!
La semaine s'annonce occupée avec la machine à coudre...

À la prochaine!

6 commentaires:

  1. I have no idea how this is suppose to look...but I'm excited to see more!

  2. This is going to be amazing when you get it finished. I'm always a bit hesitant with mystery quilts. I think I like to know that I'll love the end product before I put so much time into something!

  3. I like those fabrics. I can't wait to see the quilt.

  4. That's a lot of sewing ahead... enjoy!

  5. I get so impatient during the preparation stage. Once things are starting to be stitched together is when it gets exciting! Is this really a mystery quilt you're working on, or is "secret" just part of the name?

  6. My, this will be a busy sewing week - have fun!!


Au plaisir de vous lire!