samedi 10 novembre 2018

Bloc A1

That is my first block of a new project.  Caswell quilt,  30 blocks of flowers, birds and butterflies.  

Voici le premier bloc de mon nouveau projet.  Caswell quilt, une reproduction d'un tapis de laine des années 1835.  C'est en suivant un groupe Facebook dédié à cette courtepointe que le goût m'est venu de faire cette courtepointe.  Une autre belle aventure captivante qui débute.

À la prochaine!

10 commentaires:

  1. Wait a minute! You already finished a block? Wow, Celine! You are rocking it!

  2. I adore hand applique -- and this block is just absolutely gorgeous!!! :)

  3. Another pretty block. Well done.

  4. So pretty! That little bird looks right at home nestled in all those pretty flowers. :) Thanks for linking to MCM!

  5. The block is beautiful, Celine! I could make out most of the French but I don't know what "tapis de laine" means. And all I can think of is the Tapisserie de Bayeux that we learned about in French class so many years ago... :-)

  6. It is just stunning! This project should take a long time but be very rewarding.

  7. Thank you for the good and very helpful information. It is very interesting. I love all the things you share and see your beautiful creation. Thank you for sharing with everyone.


Au plaisir de vous lire!