mardi 5 septembre 2017

Basting the quilt...Faufilage pour piquer...

I'm basting with thread my Baltimore quilt.  
I don't know if I need to baste from top to bottom AND from left to right 
or only from top to bottom.
My stitches are about 2 inches apart.  Is it enough, is it too much or do I need to do the left to right side too.
Will you share your experience?

Je faufile présentement ma courtepointe Baltimore.  Je la piquerai à la main finalement.  Un doute dans ma tête:  est-ce suffisant de faufiler de haut en bas seulement (à environ 4 pouces d'intervalle) ou dois-je aussi le faire de gauche à droite pour assurer que rien ne bouge.  
Je crois que cela serait suffisant mais étant un peu nerveuse de cette première fois, je veux m'assurer que tout est bien fait et de la bonne façon.
Partagez-moi votre expérience.
J'ai déjà pris un cours mais c'était tellement intense comme faufilage (des carrés de 2'' carré), je me demande si c'était nécessaire d'en faire autant.

I'm now half done and will begin to hand quilt  each night in a few weeks.  A good way to spend  my  long winter evenings.

 Je suis à mi-chemin dans le faufilage de haut en bas.  Je débuterai à piquer dans quelques semaines.  Une bonne façon de passer les soirées d'hiver à venir.

 À la prochaine!

5 commentaires:

  1. I have only quilted one quilt by hand, but I did baste in both directions. I did from the center out, like an asterisk.

  2. I baste in both directions. I think you need the stability, especially when you'll be working on it much longer than you would if you were machine quilting. Good luck with your quilting adventure

  3. I have also basted center out and close together. I have also used board basting method by Sharon Schamber's with good results.either way make sure there are no tucks or puckers underneath.

  4. I always baste in both directions as well. Long term projects for hand quilting tend to get quite a bit of shifting over time.

  5. I've only quilted 3 quilts by hand. Two were quite small and I basted them like yours about 2 inches apart. The third was a queen size quilt and I basted that about 6 inches apart in both directions (first one and I didn't know what I was doing). Surprisingly it worked - no wrinkles in the back even though it took me 30 years to finish it - LOL. Yours should be fine at 2 inches apart.


Au plaisir de vous lire!