vendredi 13 novembre 2015

Baltimore Garden Quilt, bloc A4

Voici enfin mon bloc A4 de la Baltimore Garden Quilt terminé.  L'automne chargé que j'ai eu a retardé un peu l'exécution du bloc mais c'est maintenant chose du passé.

Here is my Baltimore Garden Quilt A4 block.  Finished.  It took a while but now it's there.

feuilles et tiges
Leaves and stems

Bloc A4 Baltimore Garden Quilt
Block A4

bloc fleuri terminé
With flowers

À la prochaine!


7 commentaires:

  1. Ive said it before when ever I drop in I fall in love again with your header photo. It is so so tranquil. Your block looks lovely my goodness there are a lot of stems to appliqué down first on this block. Looks like you are having fun though Cheers Glenda

  2. Such a beautiful block. Thanks for sharing !

  3. Your block is lovely. How many blocks are there totally? I've just started a Baltimore Album quilt but I'm using different colors than green and red. Blessings, Gretchen

  4. What a beautyful block. Very nice applique piece.

  5. So beautiful! I wish I had the patience!!

  6. Looks fabulous now imagine how this is going to look in the quilt! great work!


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