mardi 25 février 2014

Michigan et cie... Michigan blocks and others...

La semaine dernière, j'ai repris mes blocs Michigan  cousus l'automne dernier et mis de côté.  Je veux voir le dessus de la courtepointe assemblé bientôt.
Last week, I played with Michigan blocks sewn last fall.  I want the top done shortly.

 Après avoir balancé les couleurs,
colors well balanced

Cousus 2x2
blocks sewn 2 x 2

bloc entier
block finished

Il me reste à coudre les blocs en rangée, puis coudre les colonnes ensemble.  Il n'y aura qu'une seule bordure extérieure, pour l'instant.  Je cherche quelle couleur utilisée.
Blocks will be sewn in row and then in column.  There will be only one outside border all around:  I'm looking for which color I will use.

Il y a eu un autre bloc testé de la série du Roi Lion,  Banzai, une hyène (la dernière).  Je teste pour la designer les patrons de cette série pour rapporter les erreurs et les faire corriger.  J'avoue que je vais avoir de la difficulté à introduire les blocs de hyène dans une courtepointe pour enfant.  À moins de bien connaître l'histoire, comment un enfant réagira-t-il en les voyant?  Ils me font presque peur  :o)

Banzai, from Lion King, the last hyena.
I'm still testing patterns for the designer Michelle Thompson.

Et quelques blocs de la Baby Jane.  Il m'en reste environ 60 à coudre pour terminer tous les blocs de cette courtepointe.
And some Baby Jane's blocks.  Yes 60 blocks to sew.

À la prochaine!

29 commentaires:

  1. My, that's a lot of piecing...the time that it must have taken to piece them all. Looking forward to seeing your lovely blocks pieced into a lovely quilt!

  2. Wow Celine - that's going to be a really jazzy quilt!

  3. There's so many different fabrics in this! It will be lovely.

  4. Oh I like this! I'm going to get that pattern. Thanks for the link. Looks fun to make.

  5. I really love your quilt blocks ~ especially the way they form the red diamonds in between! Beautiful!

  6. What neat blocks!! This will make a beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  7. What a lovely quilt that will be. Sorry, but my French is limited

  8. I love the addition of the corner stones on the string blocks, I've never seen that before and it looking stunning!

  9. wow those are some gorgeous string blocks. Love the red corners added, gives it such distinction.

  10. Tres joli! Peut-etre une bordure rouge pour s'agencer avec les carreaux rouges?

  11. Very pretty. I like how the red diamonds give your eye somewhere to rest. Perhaps a red border? And that Hyena is too cute! Nice work.

  12. I really enjoy making the string quilts. Now I have a new idea about adding that corner on. I really like the looks of that.

  13. Oh goodness me. What a wonderful quilt. I look forward to seeing the finished item.

  14. these blocks look amazing all together!

  15. WOW! Thanks for the link to the tutorial! Definitely book marked :)

  16. It's wonderful. I like the red diamonds.

  17. What a lot of work went into those Michigan blocks! They look beautiful arranged and will make a gorgeous quilt. Banzai looks great, too!

  18. All of the tiny details that go into these Disney blocks are amazing - Banzai turned out wonderful!
    Your Michigan blocks look fabulous too, I love the red accent you added for the diamond pattern.

  19. C'est parfait, ce que tu travailles. Les couleurs, la technique, wow! Il y a longtemps que j'ai écrit, mais maintenant après un temps un peu compliqué j'ai recommencé.
    à bientôt

  20. Beautiful! Have you thought of using the same color of the center (red) for the outside border? It would look wonderful in my house - just saying... :-)

    1. At this moment, I'm thinking about it. Don't know yet!
      Thank you for your visit on my blog. Have a nice day!

  21. I love your Michigan blocks and the way you have them set. That's a new idea for my string quilts which I love making. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Very nice. What a great effect from such a simple block.

  23. Beautiful quilt! I have not seen one like this before. I like it!

  24. This is so gorgeous! I love the way the red triangles fit together to break up the strings!

    Thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  25. Your quilt looks beautiful! I love the red triangles in the middle! :)

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday

  26. The Michigan quilt looks gorgeous!! Thanks for linking up at MOP Monday!! :)


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