dimanche 11 mars 2018

More progress...On avance...

Secret Garden, Esther Aliu

I'm working this week on those 4 triangles.
Voici ce sur quoi je travaille cette semaine.

After sewing all the petals and stems on these pieces, it's time to use them. I take each of the squares with appliques and  bring them to the right dimension. Here is my piece when I worked it.

Après avoir cousu toutes les pétales et tiges sur ces pièces, il est temps de les utiliser.  Je prends chacun des carrés appliqués et les recoupe pour les amener à la bonne dimension.  Ici, c'est ma pièce lorsque l'ai travaillée.

Then, cut in 4 triangles, from a corner to the other.

Je la coupe en 4 parties, d'un coin à l'autre pour obtenir 4 triangles.

With my master sheet on each triangle, I cut again to the right and final dimension.

Pour m'assurer de les couper à la bonne dimension, je place mon patron sur chaque triangle et le réduis à la dimension voulue.

Now, I took care of them because they are all with biais sides.

Maintenant, je dois le manipuler avec beaucoup de minutie et d'attention pour ne pas étirer les côtés.

Here they are sewn at the right place...

Voici comment ces triangles seront utilisés. 
De chaque côté ici...

And again here...

Et ici, dans cet autre triangle agrandi.

Woohoo!  I'm proud.
Je suis fière.

My block 4 is not sewn yet and I need it to go on.  I'm working on it.

Je suis un peu ralentie ici car je dois avouer que je n'ai pas terminé mon quatrième pot de fleurs.  Et il me le faut pour poursuivre l'assemblage de la courtepointe.  
On y travaille!

À la prochaine!

6 commentaires:

  1. Simply stunning work! You are so talented! Thank you for such an inspiring post!

  2. Thank you for the visual-photos to show us how you complete your blocks.

  3. I love the gold color fabric you've chosen for the leaves and stems. Your work is beautiful. Are you hand appliqueing or doing it by machine?

  4. This will be so pretty! And look at that - I never would have thought to do the applique on a large square and THEN cut the triangles, so that the bias isn't exposed until all the handwork is finished. I would have done 4 separate oversized triangle and then trimmed them down. The way you did it is a much better way.

  5. Woohoo - you should be proud! These look fantastic!

  6. Ohhh Celine LOVE those first 4 corner triangles WOW I'm still trying to choose fabrics for them, I have made up may be 4 different mock colours but still not happy so Ive come to a stand still on my quilt!!!!!!! Is your duck pond still frozen over??? Happy sewing while you can spring is not to far away. Cheers Glenda


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